Nel pomeriggio di martedì 12 novembre, presso il Salone d’Onore della Camera di commercio di Cuneo, è stato presentato il 2° focus sul Sistema culturale e creativo della provincia di Cuneo, un’analisi…
Fed up with the beauty around you? Do you love the Weird? Are you looking for alternative architectural currents? Architerror is the place for you. With this programmatic statement, Architerror -...
How is artificial intelligence changing our way of conceiving knowledge? How does the ability to process information and understand complex systems change the responsibility of decision makers? How does potentially...
Technology is now transforming society faster than we are able to perceive. The cultural and creative industries navigate this reality by trying, like other sectors, to seize the...
Cultural and Creative Industries Days: design, processes strategies. Toward a Network of Cultural and Creative Communities is an event produced by the Center for Research on Cultural and Creative Industries and...
Cultural and Creative Industries Days: design, processes strategies. Toward a Network of Cultural and Creative Communities is an event produced by the Center for Research on Cultural and Creative Industries and...
Cultural and Creative Industries Days: design, processes strategies. Toward a Network of Cultural and Creative Communities is an event produced by the Center for Research on Cultural and Creative Industries and...
From traditional education to innovative digitally supported teaching: how learning methodologies, spaces and times have changed in school, university and corporate training, and how they can...
In the past year as a result of Meta statements and the involvement of companies such as Microsoft, interest in opportunities related to the metaverse has grown exponentially. The reason is.
ARCHITECTURE AS A MESTILE everyday life and quality of design A series of meetings dedicated to the figure of the architect, to the concrete everyday life of his profession, to tell about its approaches, issues, challenges and opportunities....