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Representative profile of a particular group of people, such as a market segment, a user group, or any group of stakeholders. The profile is not a stereotype, but an archetype that is based on real research and, although fictitious, helps to identify groups with similar needs and behaviors.

Download The manual for the use of the instrument with suggestions instructions.

For an in-depth theoretical study click here.

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Indications from the DRLab experience for using the tool.

Instructions for compilation

1. Indicate the title of the project. Indicate the group of stakeholders To which the profile belongs.

2. Draw or include a representative profile picture while avoiding using images that refer to gender, ethnicity, or stereotype bias.

3. Assign a name to the profile that reflects the following characteristics:
- immediately suggests the cultural and social environment to which it refers,
- indicates a key characteristic or quality of the profile that immediately links it to a stakeholder group.

4. Write a motto or quote that helps summarize the attitude of the profile in a single sentence.

5. Describe the profile through characteristics that can reveal the person's personality, attitudes, interests, special abilities, needs, expectations, motivations, frustrations, or histories. Include details that are important with respect to context and goals.

6. Describe problems or difficulties, desires or ambitions, of the profile in relation to the context or goals. Assign each of the indications a reference value according to their importance or impact.

N.B. Be careful not to fall into stereotypes.

N.B. The number of personas profiles should be proportionate to the type of project and thus to the type and amount of data available from earlier stages of research. Specifically, the number of profiles generated depends on the heterogeneity of characteristics of the users on whom a given project is focused. In general, and also depending on the amount of people in the project group, with more than six profile personas it is difficult to effectively distinguish and store the different characteristics of individual profiles.

Download the manual for using the instrument.

Inside you will find an introduction, instructions for completing it yourself, some of our practical tips, the template (A3 size) and an example on how to fill it out.
You can also download just the A3 or A1 size template here.

Share your experience with us and strengthen your skills.

Please contact us if you would like to share your experience of using the tool, or if you have doubts and want to use it but do not know how.



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