Matrix for the collection and exploration of issues inherent in the project context. It is a tool that functions according to the matrix logic and is compiled based on the information provided by the working group in the exploratory phase during activities such as brainstorming. Useful tool for facilitating discussion in the divergent phase.
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Instructions for compilation
1. Indicate the title of the project.
2. Report the initial question guiding the first phase of brainstorming in the first column from the left.
3. Report the responses, ideas, annotations, that emerged from the brainstorming phase in the middle column.
4. Repeat the same actions for the second brainstorming question and the corresponding answers obtained.
5. Report the insights in the right column reflecting on the responses obtained from the entire brainstorming session.
Share your experience with us and strengthen your skills.
Please contact us if you would like to share your experience of using the tool, or if you have doubts and want to use it but do not know how.