
The effects of the pandemic have hit hard all sectors deputed to the economic and cultural growth of each territory. "Nothing will be like before" is not a slogan, but the reality to be faced and redesigned in the direction of identifying new scenarios, strategies, services and sustainable ideas for the future.

With reference to the Forum for Culture in Trentino, an event promoted by the Department of Education, Universities and Culture of the Autonomous Province of Trento that took place in June-September 2019, and which defined the guidelines for the cultural policies of the Province of Trento, Trentino Ideation Days was born, an initiative promoted by DRLab in collaboration with the Autonomous Province of Trento to support the redesign of the Trentino cultural system.

Trentino Ideation Days will refer to point 6 of the guidelines defined by the Culture Forum, which identify young people, the beneficiaries and producers of the offerings intended for them, as a fundamental lever for the development and regeneration of the cultural system.


The DRLab supports this design intention with a collaborative, human-centred path based on service design methodologies, with the aim of identifying with local communities opportunities, ideas and scenarios for the future of the Trentino cultural system.


Participants will offer their perspective on the Trentino cultural system during two phases both supported by Service Design tools thus offering participants the opportunity to understand approaches and processes used in this design discipline, always accompanied by a DRLab researcher.

The planned activities are:

  • individual interviews online of 20-30 min, during which each participant can have a dialogue with a DRLab researcher, expressing their ideas, needs, problems;
  • sharing of tools based on self-documentation (time required for completion is subjective, generally it takes at least 1h) and a short survey (time required 15 min.) to be filled out independently in the period between 20/10 and 16/11/2020;
  • collaborative workshop online of up to 2 hr;
  • ideation workshop online of up to 1h with a date and time of your choice.

The total commitment required for each participant for the entire course is about 5h, in the period between Oct. 20 (opening date of registration) and Dec. 04, 2020 (date when the last ideation workshop is scheduled).

Who can participate:

Trentino Ideation Days is aimed at actors in the culture system operating in the following contexts:

  • museum system
  • entertainment system
  • cultural association system
  • cultural heritage system
  • library system
  • music education system

In particular, Trentino Ideation Days is dedicated to young people within these contexts under the age of 35(*).

(*) Age 35 is a flexible limit. If you are over 35, feel motivated and have a profile consistent with the theme of the initiative, please still submit your application.
